Subpoena Services
Whether you require service of process, document retrieval/pickup, court filings, record searches, investigations or skip traces, Scandoc Imaging can complete your job with the highest degree of professionalism.
We utilize the most advanced software and hardware in the industry, assuring accuracy, completeness and instant, 24/7 information on the status of your work.
Scandoc Imaging can handle:
Authorization and Subpoena Preparation
Notification of parties to action
Service of Subpoenas
Extensive and Comprehensive follow-up
Status letters are mailed to all clients
All of your requests are quality controlled
Contact us below to get started or to inquire about how we might handle your needs. See the boxes below for additional ways we can serve your firm's subpoena-related needs.
Presenting a winning case requires expertise for managing data, documents, images, video, expediting searches, organizing massive amounts of information, and exceptional levels of document preparation and organization.
Scandoc Imaging provides comprehensive services in civil process; records retrieval; document management; video; and reprographic services, customized to your case and working preferences.
Contact us to learn how we can help your team.
Getting the right review team in place is critical to ensuring your legal operation runs smoothly and efficiently. Whether your legal document review requires a team of two, or twenty, or more, we have you covered with Scandoc Imaging's document review services.
Our legal contractors have significant experience and training, including certifications in a variety of platforms. You'll feel secure that your job is being performed efficiently and accurately, as well as at a fair price.
The subpoena process is often daunting and complex, with every state following different standards. Our team of knowledgeable experts will guide you through the entire process from start to finish, no matter what your needs.
From researching the requirements in your case to identifying and completing the correct forms and following the right procedures, your subpoena process will be as smooth and efficient as possible.